3D control

Precision mechanics involves precise control of machined parts.
PTS has a 3D control bench (CMM) installed in an air-conditioned room allowing the control of parts at 0.001 mm and offers its customers detailed control reports of the parts produced.
The 3D bench is brand LK G90C 15.10.8 CMM and is equipped with Aberlink software

This CMM is calibrated every year by SMS company (Steem metrology Systems)

Contrôle 3D

Controle 3D
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Controle 3D IMG_0030 IMG_1348 IMG_0109 IMG_0149 - ASUPP IMG_0081_900x1200 IMG_20161129_095328 - ASUPP IMG_1422 - ASUPP IMG_1422 - ASUPP IMG_0151 - ASUPP 044 - ASUPP IMG_20180605_184158 - ASUPP